Cornelian Cherry – Cornus mas
Story Before you go planting that Forsythia everyone in the neighborhood has, consider another early spring yellow flowering shrub, the Cornelian Cherry. Cornus mas will provide some diversity to your spring planting scheme with long-lasting blooms from late February until mid-April.

Growing Artichoke in the Kitchen Garden
Background Although many people are familiar with the taste of artichokes, it seems few are aware of the beautiful plant that produces this delectable food. While tending to the garden at Hagley Museum and Library, I would overhear the tour guides

Road to RHS Chelsea Flower Show
What is the Royal Horticultural Society Chelsea Flower Show? The Chelsea Flower show is the pinnacle of horticultural greatness. Individuals and companies from various horticultural fields compete for a chance to display their talents and products at this prestigious event. Every niche

Maintaining Tradition; A Boxwood Story
The long awaited Main Fountain Garden at Longwood Gardens is set to reopen in Spring of 2017. Meticulous care has been taken to restore the garden to its original splendor. Although certain aspects have been changed, the goal of the