Jacobaea maritima
This rugged herbaceous perennial is comfortable growing in harsh environments, yet is graceful enough to use in your garden. Jacobaea maritima is a plant one can easily fall in love with. It is commonly referred to as Dusty Miller, not only sharing the

Centaurea cineraria
Centaurea cineraria (sen-Tor-ee-ah sin-e-RAH-ree-ah) Dusty Miller Flowers are fleeting, but foliage is forever. This sentiment is shared by many garden designers and horticulturist who understand the importance of plants that provide more than just a quick splash of color and then fade into

Difference Between Jacobaea maritima and Centaurea cineraria
Certain plants have very unique characteristics that make them easy to identify. For example, the Monkey Puzzle Tree (Araucaria araucana) and its sharp, scale-like leaves and horizontal branching habit are easy to distinguish from other evergreen conifers. On the other

Road to RHS Chelsea Flower Show
What is the Royal Horticultural Society Chelsea Flower Show? The Chelsea Flower show is the pinnacle of horticultural greatness. Individuals and companies from various horticultural fields compete for a chance to display their talents and products at this prestigious event. Every niche

Pinus species Identification Guide
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-7640796349721868", enable_page_level_ads: true }); Pines are widely spread throughout the world. Occupying all northern continents, the Pinus genus is versatile and able to adapt to almost

Cercidiphyllum japonicum
The elegant Katsura tree may lack significant flowers, but more than makes up for it with settle hints of beauty throughout the seasons with its graceful form, attractive fall interest, and unique seed pods in the winter. A dioecious tree,

Winter Pruning Japanese Wisteria
Wisteria floribunda is one of those classic plants that when in full bloom, can evoke feelings of nostalgia, peace, and serenity. Its style can assimilate into traditional Japanese gardens or classic English gardens, where it is most often trained over pergolas
Arisaema triphyllum – Jack-in-the-pulpit
Arisaema triphyllum (a-RIS-aye-ma try-FY-lum) Jack-in-the-pulpit Our native Jack-in-the-pulpit is hardier and taller than the showy non-native Jack-in-the-pulpit (A. sikokianum). A. triphyllum can be found throughout forests of the North Eastern United States. Look for it emerging in early spring to take advantage of the still
Actaea pachypoda – White Baneberry
Actaea pachypoda (AK-tee-uh pak-ee-POD-uh) White Baneberry The foamy appearance of the white-flowered Actaea pachypoda resemble Tiarella cordifolia, but are taller and have excellent interest after flowering has concluded. White Baneberry can be used in conjunction with the shorter Tiarella cordifolia as a transition to the back of a shade
Carex plantaginea – Plantain-leaf-Sedge
Carex plantaginea (Care-ex plant-a-gen-ea) Plantain-leaf-Sedge A North American native that is a perfect addition to a shade garden. Carex plantaginea evergreen habit is ideal for gardens that might experience soil erosion. By retaining its foliage during the winter months, it protects the soil from falling