Growing Avocados; What is the Best Way?

One of my friends recently asked; If you were tasked with growing one plant for the rest of your life in order to contribute to society, what would it be?

After some thought, I responded that it would be some type of fruit tree. Having just recently purchased avocados, and being pressed for more details, I blurted out the avocado and proceeded to validate my choice. 

I must agree with the Huffington Post, avocados are the best fruit in the world. Not only are they delicious, but they are a source of many essential nutrients.

Wouldn’t it be convenient to have a supply of avocados in your home? Before you throw out the seed from the next avocado you eat, consider turning that seed into an avocado tree. 

The following guide is based on a propagation experiment of avocado my classmate conducted as part of the Professional Gardening Program in our Plant Propagation class. It took into account three different methods of growing avocado.

I will first present the experiment, and then we can dig into the dirt with a more detailed description of Persea americana and its growing methods. 

1. Growing Avocado Partially Submerged

The first method included partially submerging the seed in water. A popular method among homeowners, there are even devices such as the AvoSeedo to facilitate the process.

Convenient, but unnecessary, the seed is easily penetrated with toothpicks or anything that helps the seed float in water.

Gently remove the pit of the fruit, ensuring the seed doesn’t get injured in the process.

Prior to inserting the toothpicks, wash the avocado seed with warm water and let it briefly dry out. Next, orient the seed so the more acute side is up. 

We want to allow space for the radicle (first part of the seedling) to emerge. Keeping this in mind, place toothpicks horizontally in the seed so the seed is submerged in about 1″ of water.

The next step is to suspend the seed in water. You can use a glass, coffee mug or anything that will hold the avocado in water. Once that is done, place the cup and your seed in a well-lit area and get ready for the feelings of anticipation.

While you wait, change the water every one or two days to prevent any pathogens from infecting the seed. You should start seeing signs of germination within two weeks. 

Above you can see the progression of the seed development when partially submerged in water. The second picture shows the seed splitting open after 16 days. After another 4 weeks, the taproot should reach to be about 6″ long. At this point, you can let the seed develop further in the water, but I suggest potting it in well-draining media which I will explain why when we discuss the experiment. We used ProMix High Porosity Soilless Media.

2. Growing Avocado In Potting Mix

The next method my classmate tried was using potting media to propagate the seed. Although a slower process, the seed split open at about the same time as the partially submerged one but didn’t start producing roots until 10 days later. 

Using this method requires you to be vigilant about keeping the potting media moist. Using a well draining potting mix and an appropriate potting container is also crucial for germination success. A taller container has more gravitational forces acting on it and will drain more freely than a shallow one, preventing any root rot pathogens from developing.

Roots started emerging 10 days after the seed split, reaching 2″ long in 40 days. Notice how this propagation method produces shorter roots rather than a large taproot. This contrasting root system can be attributed to the different media it was grown in.

3. Growing Avocado Totally Submerged 

Finally, the seed grown totally submerged in water sat there, and sat there, and finally after two months!! It shriveled and died..In conclusion, do not throw your avocado in a cup of water and expect it to germinate.

However, if you use the first two methods, your seedling will become an attractive houseplant in no time! 

My personal connection to nature started as a young boy growing up in Poland. I would spend early summer days in the canopy of cherry trees eating cherries, and late nights on my grandparent's dziaƂka (allotment) baking potatoes in the hot embers of a fire. I pursued this connection by starting out as a landscaper. My passion for plants grew, and I found myself needing a formal education. I was accepted to Longwood Gardens Professional Horticulture program, and following graduation, I accepted an apprenticeship at Gravetye Manor in England. Following my formal and classical training, I spent a few years working in vegetable gardens, orchards, and historic gardens. I am currently the Assistant Gardens Supervisor at Swarthmore College, where I have the pleasure of working with talented gardeners and unique plants. In my spare time, I provide consultation to private clients, and occasionally find time to bake potatoes in the fire with friends and family.

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