Thalictrum thalictroides – Rue-anemone
Thalictrum thalictroides (tha-LICK-trum tha-LICK-troy-dees) Rue-anemone You might encounter the Rue-anemone on a spring hike in the North Eastern United States. It typically grows on wooded slopes and ridges and can be spotted flowering in April and May. The long flowering period makes the white-flowered Thalictrum thalictroides an
Gillenia trifoliata – Bowman’s Root
Gillenia trifoliata (Ga-lane-ia try-fol-e-ata) Indian-physic/ Bowman's Root Gillenia trifoliata is a beautiful fall interest plant native to the Northen United States and Canada. Although Bowman's Root tolerates shade, a thick tree canopy will induce flopping as the plant will become leggy. Too much shade will
Aquilegia canadensis
Aquilegia canadensis (ack-wi-LEE-gee-uh kan-uh-DEN-sis) Wild Columbine A naturally graceful woodland plant, this straight species of Wild Columbine reseeds in the most unusual places. The plant is often found growing in cracks and crevices of the forest's herbaceous layer, or perhaps in the crack

Athyrium filix-femina
Athyrium filix-femina (a-THEER-ree-um FEE-licks FEM-min-nuh) Lady Fern A perfect selection to break up bold planting combinations like Hosta, Ligularia, Brunnera, or Helleborus. You can find the graceful presence of Lady Fern not only in North America but also in woodlands of Europe and Asia. Due to