Growing Delectable Sea Kale in the Kitchen Garden
Story My first experience with growing delectable Sea kale in the kitchen garden was at Gravetye Manor. In early spring I noticed several gorgeous terracotta pots neatly arranged in one of the vegetable beds. For some reason though, they were upside-

These Dainty Rock Garden Iris Put on a Big Show
These dainty Rock Garden Iris put on a big show during the late winter. Perhaps not a big show, but their striking violet flowers with contrasting yellow crest are a delight to see. The beautiful flowers coupled with their mild

Jacobaea maritima
This rugged herbaceous perennial is comfortable growing in harsh environments, yet is graceful enough to use in your garden. Jacobaea maritima is a plant one can easily fall in love with. It is commonly referred to as Dusty Miller, not only sharing the

Centaurea cineraria
Centaurea cineraria (sen-Tor-ee-ah sin-e-RAH-ree-ah) Dusty Miller Flowers are fleeting, but foliage is forever. This sentiment is shared by many garden designers and horticulturist who understand the importance of plants that provide more than just a quick splash of color and then fade into
Arisaema triphyllum – Jack-in-the-pulpit
Arisaema triphyllum (a-RIS-aye-ma try-FY-lum) Jack-in-the-pulpit Our native Jack-in-the-pulpit is hardier and taller than the showy non-native Jack-in-the-pulpit (A. sikokianum). A. triphyllum can be found throughout forests of the North Eastern United States. Look for it emerging in early spring to take advantage of the still
Actaea pachypoda – White Baneberry
Actaea pachypoda (AK-tee-uh pak-ee-POD-uh) White Baneberry The foamy appearance of the white-flowered Actaea pachypoda resemble Tiarella cordifolia, but are taller and have excellent interest after flowering has concluded. White Baneberry can be used in conjunction with the shorter Tiarella cordifolia as a transition to the back of a shade
Carex plantaginea – Plantain-leaf-Sedge
Carex plantaginea (Care-ex plant-a-gen-ea) Plantain-leaf-Sedge A North American native that is a perfect addition to a shade garden. Carex plantaginea evergreen habit is ideal for gardens that might experience soil erosion. By retaining its foliage during the winter months, it protects the soil from falling
Hepatica nobilis var. obtusa – Round-lobe Hepatica
Hepatica nobilis var. obtusa (HEP-a-tic-a no-BIL-iss ob-TOO-suh) Round-lobe Hepatica Unassuming, diminutive, but cute and impactful, Round-lobe Hepatica is a plant that can be hard to appreciate because of its small size. However, planted in the right spot it can serve both an aesthetic and
Tiarella cordifolia – Foam-flower
Tiarella cordifolia (tea-are-EL-la cor-di-FO-lee-uh) Foam-flower Endemic to Eastern and Central North American woodlands, this multi-stemmed perennial will spread with its stolons to produce colonies of foam flowers that at a distance can resemble crashing waves. White flowering Tiarella cordifolia is an ideal choice for a shade
Iris cristata – Dwarf Crested Iris
Iris cristata (EYE-ris kris-TAH-ta) Dwarf Crested Iris A spring interest blue flower, the Dwarf Crested Iris is one of the few Iris species that is native to the United States. Its rhizomatous habit helps it to propagate with vigor in woodland settings, creating