10 Ferns That Improve the Quality of Your Life
Although ferns pose certain challenges as houseplants, their benefits outweigh the difficulty of growing them. Do not let your lack of experience prevent you from growing these archaic air-purifying experts. Speaking generally, most ferns require the following four environmental factors to thrive;
· Some shade
· Even moisture
· High humidity
· Moist well-drained soil for more epiphytic species / Peat mix for terrestrial species
Do not be discouraged if you kill a couple before you get the hang of growing ferns. Once mastering the art of growing these fussy prehistoric plants is achieved, all other plants become a piece of cake. Bathrooms are an ideal home for a fern due to the humidity generated from taking a shower, but if you plan on growing them in other rooms, I provided a link for a humidifier that does wonders for your plants and your skin during the winter months.
Thank you for reading!
-Shem R.
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Joseph Kotnik
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